First of all, thank you so much for providing this software.
I am trying to set up on one web page where there would be:
A) multiple thumbnails, and
B) each thumbnail would show more photos on that particular item.
I would like to use my macbook pro to learn and create the gallery then transfer to finished menu to the windows 7 PC, is this possible or do I need to create two menus, 1 for windows PC and 1 for the mac?
I've purchased the latest Visuallightbox version and inserted it into my page. It looks fine in all browsers except IE. Could you help with it?
I've tried the Free version and it looks perfect. I'm not sure what license I need to buy now. Could you write what is difference between Single Website and Unlimited Websites licenses?
So far i have made a demo page but it has your logo on it - after i have purchased the full version will i have to run through the publishing process again to remove it?