Visual LightBox
How to make popup lightbox next and previous buttons visible
Q: Hello!
I am using the Visual LightBox. Everything works fine but I have one issue. When I watch it on mobile devices, the arrows don't appear unless to click on picture. Is it possible to make them always visible? I don't think that users will know to touch the picture.
A: Hi,
Yes, it is possible to make it.
#vlb1prevLinkImg { left: -20px; }
#vlb1nextLinkImg { right: -20px; }
#vlb1prevLinkImg:hover, #vlb1prevLinkImg.hover, #vlb1prevLinkImg:visited:hover {
background:url(prev.png) 5% center no-repeat;
and change it to:
#vlb1prevLinkImg { left: -20px; background:url(prev.png) right no-repeat; }
#vlb1nextLinkImg { right: -20px; background:url(next.png) left no-repeat;}
#vlb1prevLinkImg:hover, #vlb1prevLinkImg.hover, #vlb1prevLinkImg:visited:hover {
background:url(prev.png) 5% center no-repeat;