Visual LightBox
best image gallery jquery Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
javascript image auto slideshow Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
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Jquery Mobile Gallery
October 14, 2013 Combine two jquery mobile swipe gallery on one page
I want to create mobile website. I found your site from Adobe where your beautiful contact form is displayed. It is lovely!
October 10, 2013 Multiple jquery mobile themes gallery librarys
Hello, i am trying to use multiple jquery mobile themes gallery librarys on my page. Do you have any pointers?
October 03, 2013 Replace the watermark to other corner of the jquery mobile photo gallery picture
I'm using your beautiful gallery in my website that i'm building. I`ll like to know if there is an option to replace the watermark to other corner of the picture?
September 28, 2013 Templates in jquery mobile image gallery
I found your VisualLightBox. I really your demos! It's exactly what I need! I have a question before purchasing.
September 25, 2013 Protection of images with jquery mobile gallery
VisualLightBox is not a real flash, so it allows to save and print pictures! I am artist - don't want that! Is any way to protect images?
September 22, 2013 "Advanced..." button in jquery mobile image gallery
I am considering your product for a small business project. I downloaded FREE version firstly and found "Advanced" button at Gallery->Properties->Templates.
September 19, 2013 Change color of frame in jquery mobile gallery
Just bought and installed VisualLightBox show on my Mac. I have a question. Can I change frame color?
September 13, 2013 Jquery mobile gallery would not start
Support, Downloaded your application for Windows 2008, but program would not start. Is this because of 2008?