Visual LightBox
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Lightbox gallery2 document that I saved shows up without images or captions
Q: I have a number of portfolios on our company website and they were set up with visuallightbox. It was a lot of time put into the positioning and formatting of the images as well as detailed captions. Now a year later, I want to update 10 out of 50 images, but my Visual Lightbox document that I saved shows up without images or captions. It's like the program just started fresh.
Any idea why this happened. I really don't want to redo all of our portfolios
A: VisualLightBox project file stored settings of your gallery only (information about
template, image resolution, template of thumbnails, etc), it does not include images.
So if you saved you project as .vislb file and decide to edit created gallery,
all the images should be in the same folders/directories they were, when you saved
.vislb file.
Otherwise, if you replaced or deleted images .vislb project file
won't open correctly.
Anyway you can try to correct(check) paths to images in .vislb file.
Just open it in any text editor and find the following code:
Check values used for <url> tags.