Visual LightBox
joomla 1.7 lightbox gallery Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
jquery mobile gallery view Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
css lightbox example Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
Best Lightbox
April 24, 2014 One thumbnail in lightbox website
I have Visual lightbox as well. It creates a page with all the photos and I only want the first photo on the webpage. Is it possible?
April 23, 2014 Transfer created lightbox modal from Windows to Mac
I would like to use my macbook pro to learn and create the gallery then transfer to finished menu to the windows 7 PC...
April 22, 2014 Lightbox image viewer won't work in IE
Hi, I've purchased the latest Visuallightbox version and inserted it into my page.
April 17, 2014 Difference between lightbox gallery2 Single Website and Unlimited Websites licenses
Hi, I've tried the Free version and it looks perfect. I'm not sure what license I need to buy now.
April 09, 2014 Simple lightbox after one year
Hi, I'm going to order Visuallightbox. It looks pretty good. I wonder what will happen with my galleries when the one your is over? Thanks
April 07, 2014 Remove watermark in scriptaculous lightbox
So far i have made a demo page but it has your logo on it - after i have purchased the full version will i have to run through the publishing process again to re...
March 18, 2014 Start lightbox youtube on click from the text link/image
I have one other question: I want to be able to hide the thumbnails and still be able view the large Image. Can this be done? How would I do that? Thanks
March 17, 2014 Best lightbox and VideoLightbox on the same page
Having trouble with VideoLightbox coexisting on the same page with VisualLightbox in Google Ch...
February 19, 2014 Lightbox software refund policy
Good morning! I do not like your software. I want refund.
February 13, 2014 Full screen option in lightbox image gallery
Hi There, I like your software very much. but I need full screen mode as in filkr or other social website to view the lightbox images.
February 06, 2014 Preview lightbox example before publish the page
I am trying to use the application I am designing a web page how do I ...
February 06, 2014 Upload files in lightbox alternative
Good day. I have followed the instructions to install lightbox, but the photos do not show up...