Is there anyway for the web slideshow to show only one thumbnail

Q: Is there anyway for the web slideshow just to show one thumbnail that you can click on to open up the
lightbox? It just seems so redundant to me to have all the images appear in the web slideshow.

A: You can use the following parameter to hide thumbnails you don't want to display on the page:

style="display: none;"

for example:

<!-- Start BODY section -->
<div id="vlightbox">
<a class="vlightbox" href="data/images/9.jpg" title="9"> <img src="data/thumbnails/9.jpg" alt="9"/></a>
<a class="vlightbox" href="data/images/7.jpg" title="7" style="display: none;"> <img src="data/thumbnails/7.jpg" alt="7"/></a>
<a class="vlightbox" href="data/images/10.jpg" title="10" style="display: none;"> <img src="data/thumbnails/10.jpg" alt="10"/></a>
<a id="vlb" href="">Photo Gallery Creator by v3.1</a>
<script src="engine/js/visuallightbox.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- End BODY section -->
