Visual LightBox
javascript lightbox iframe Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
image gallery grid jquery Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
jquery thumbnail gallery plugin Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
Jquery Gallery Thumbnails
October 22, 2013 Adding simple jquery gallery with thumbnails and vids galleries
I have used your products (video and visual lightbox) for the past few years and LOVE them.
October 14, 2013 Is it possible to hide some jquery gallery examples thumbnails?
I have tried to find an answer in your faqs but have not seen anything about it. Is there a possibility to have ONE gallery with e.g.
October 11, 2013 Thumbnails of jquery free gallery cut off images
When I choose the photos for the gallery, how can I get them to center correctly in the thumbnail view. Some of the pics are not centered.
October 11, 2013 Remove the file name for jquery gallery thumbnails images
I am using visual lightbox and "CRYSTAL" for the large image...
October 11, 2013 Spacing between thumbnails in jquery album gallery
First, love your product. I'll be using it on all future commercial light boxes. How can I adjust the spacing between thumbnails?
October 08, 2013 To change the distance between thumbnails in simple jquery image gallery
I want to make the different distance between thumbnails of Visual LightBox on my webpage. Is it possible?
October 03, 2013 Thumbnails opacity in jquery image gallery free download
Hello, thanks for a great product. Is there a way to make it so the thumbnails are not dimmed. When I scroll over them they come to full bright color but otherwise they look dim. I would like all the thumbs to be full color.
October 01, 2013 Jquery gallery with thumbnails appears again after closing
I am having issues with a jquery gallery with thumbnails on my page. When we close the slide show by clicking on the 'x' of one of the images, the jquery gallery...
October 01, 2013 Auto-renewal option for jquery image gallery with thumbnails
I am trying to make a purchase for a license for VisualLightBox on your website.
September 17, 2013 To locate the thumbnails into several columns in jquery image gallery
Dear Support, I want to put the Visual LightBox thumbnails not in one row as it is usually displayed. I would like to divide into 3 or four columns, depending on their amount. How can I make it?