Visual LightBox
wordpress lightbox gallery Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
how to make a lightbox javascript Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
lightbox javascript example download Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
I want to get the HTML code of lightbox website
Q: I want to get the HTML code only but I don't see an option for that anywhere
A: 1) Create your gallery using VisualLightBox application
2) Publish it on a local drive in any test folder:
- open Gallery->Properties->Publish or click 'Publish' button on the main menu panel;
- select 'Publish to folder', click 'Browse' button and select any local folder
- click 'Publish' button
3) Open index.html file from the saved folder in any text editor (Notepad for example)
or you can:
- open index.html page in any browser
- right click on the page
- select view source of the page.