Visual LightBox
gallery lightbox jquery thumbnails Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
lightbox gallery Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
lightbox inline html Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
Lightbox Image
October 01, 2013 Image lightbox and CSS3Menu
I bought your products VisualLightBox and CSS3Menu and inserted them into the same page.
September 30, 2013 Lightbox image gallery Joomla Module
I would be interested in add some external links to the lightbox image gallery Joomla Module for the Popup ...
September 12, 2013 Show lightbox jquery when the user selects a hotspot on website image
Could you provide a kind of example to show us how we could cause a couple of images to be shown in a lightbox when the user selects a hotspot on our website image?
July 31, 2013 To locate the thumbnails into several columns in jquery lightbox image map
Dear Support, I want to put the Visual LightBox thumbnails not in one row as it is usually displayed. I would like to divide into 3 or four columns, depending on their amount. How can I make it?
July 09, 2013 To make several columns of thumbnails in jquery lightbox image
Dear Support, I would like to make several columns of thumbnails. Is it possible? Please, advise.
July 09, 2013 The jquery lightbox image size is under the menu on the page
Dear Support, I have a problem. I put the Visual LightBox on my site but when the picture pops up, it opens under the existing menu on my page. Is it possible to fix it?
December 19, 2012 One image on a page that is a link to launch jquery lightbox inline
How your light box, and most others works is, you click on a photo and it pops up the light box. That photo you clicked on is always also a part of the gallery.
December 17, 2012 Add a new image to jquery lightbox conflict
I have just got you great program VLB 5.3 working and all look great, so my question how do I add a new image to my VLB Gallery, thanks again .
November 14, 2012 Can one jquery image lightbox license key be used on Windows and Mac?
Hello, I have a question before we purchase the commercial license. I am developing for a client on Mac.
November 08, 2012 Different main image than thumbnail in jquery lightbox zoom
I'm making a cake shop's gallery page for my client. Can I have the thumbnail showing a photo of a cake, and after click to enlarge, it shows another photo (which is a photoshopped photo with the cake on the left, and the cut-...
December 16, 2011 Move the lightbox modal image higher on the page
I would like to move the large image slightly higher on the page when it opens.
December 16, 2011 Remove the file name for lightbox image viewer images
I am using visual lightbox and "CRYSTAL" for the large image...