Is it possible to make Prev/Next buttons always visible in photo album creator?

Q: Just bought and installed Visual Light Box show on my mac. I have a question.
I want control buttons (Prev and Next) are always visible. Or they will reappear as arrow hover over the player and there is no way to change it?

A: Yes, it's possible to make buttons always visible. You can do it manually in generated "visuallightbox.css" file. Open it in any text editor (for example, Notepad), find following lines:

#prevLinkImg { left: 0; }
#nextLinkImg { right: 0; }
#prevLinkImg:hover,#prevLinkImg.hover, #prevLinkImg:visited:hover { 
        background:url(../images/prev.gif) left 14% no-repeat; 
#nextLinkImg:hover,#nextLinkImg.hover, #nextLinkImg:visited:hover { 
        background:url(../images/next.gif) right 14% no-repeat; 

You should have:

#prevLinkImg { left: 0; background:url(../images/prev.gif) left 14% no-repeat;  }
#nextLinkImg { right: 0; background:url(../images/next.gif) right 14% no-repeat; }
#prevLinkImg:hover,#prevLinkImg.hover, #prevLinkImg:visited:hover { 
        background:url(../images/prev.gif) left 14% no-repeat; 
#nextLinkImg:hover,#nextLinkImg.hover, #nextLinkImg:visited:hover { 
        background:url(../images/next.gif) right 14% no-repeat; 
