Visual LightBox
jquery responsive thumbnail gallery Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
jquery image lightbox zoom Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
best jquery thumbnail gallery Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
Wp Image Gallery
September 19, 2013 Javascript image gallery program will not launch
I am interested in purchasing a business license for Visual Lightbox. I downloaded the files from the site to make sure it fits my needs. I installed the files but the program will not launch.
September 19, 2013 Bootstrap image gallery for non-profit organization
Dear support, I am testing the free version of VisualLightBox and really do like it.
September 18, 2013 Css image gallery and database
Is there anyway my web database can "call" a selection of photos ( by tags I assume) and then immediately route them so they load publish and play I hope the ans...
September 18, 2013 Position of pop up window in simple image gallery
I have VisualLightBox and it runs fine. I need help to do one thing: I need to change the position where it opens; farther down the page and either left or right.
September 18, 2013 Image gallery jquery doesn't work in IE
Dear support, I just noticed the VisualLightBox I purchased from you shows well on Firefox but not on IE, why? Let me know what do i have to do make it show on IE.
September 17, 2013 To locate the thumbnails into several columns in jquery image gallery
Dear Support, I want to put the Visual LightBox thumbnails not in one row as it is usually displayed. I would like to divide into 3 or four columns, depending on their amount. How can I make it?
September 16, 2013 Am I allowed to use html image gallery free version?
I'd like to add your VisualLightBox to my site.
September 16, 2013 Danish letters in html5 image gallery
Tell me please, how can I get the Danish letters Æ, Ø and Å to appear in the gallery??
September 16, 2013 Text and html pages in joomla image gallery
Dear support, Is it possible to use Text or a html page instead of an image in Visual Light Box?
September 13, 2013 Javascript image gallery script support
Can we have a function in the javascript image gallery script to specify the number of thumbs per row without having to modify the html?
September 13, 2013 License information for bootstrap image gallery
Dear support, I would like to order your VisualLightBox. How do I order and can I get a hard copy of application on a DVD?
September 13, 2013 How to remove overlay shadow in css image gallery
Could you help me, I want to remove opacity. I mean the shadow that appears when the window pops up. How can I do it?