Visual LightBox
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How to install the lightbox for jquery into existing .html page?
Q: Hello,
I am interested in using your software. It's really suitable for me.
But how to paste the Visual LightBox into my website?
A: Please, see how you should install VisualLightBox gallery on your own page:
1) Create your gallery in VisualLightBox and publish it on a local drive in any test folder.
2) Open index.html file from the saved folder in any text editor
(you'll find index_files saved folder also).
3) Copy code for the HEAD section and paste it inside the HEAD section of you own webpage, for example:
<!-- Start HEAD section -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index_files/vlb_files1/vlightbox1.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index_files/vlb_files1/visuallightbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<script src="index_files/vlb_engine/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="index_files/vlb_engine/visuallightbox.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- End HEAD section -->
4) Copy code for the BODY section and paste it inside the Body section of you own web page in the
place where you want to have a gallery, for example:
<!-- Start BODY section id=1 -->
<div id="vlightbox1">
<a class="vlightbox1" href="index_files/vlb_images1/1.jpg" title="1"><img src="index_files/vlb_thumbnails1/1.jpg" alt="1"/></a>
<a class="vlightbox1" href="index_files/vlb_images1/2.jpg" title="2"><img src="index_files/vlb_thumbnails1/2.jpg" alt="2"/></a>
<a class="vlightbox1" href="index_files/vlb_images1/3.jpg" title="3"><img src="index_files/vlb_thumbnails1/3.jpg" alt="3"/></a>
<a class="vlightbox1" href="index_files/vlb_images1/4.jpg" title="4"><img src="index_files/vlb_thumbnails1/4.jpg" alt="4"/></a>
<a class="vlb" href="">jquery lightbox example code by v5.6</a>
<script src="index_files/vlb_engine/vlbdata1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- End BODY section -->
5) Notice that you should copy 'index_files' folder with images, thumbnails, .css and .js files
into the same folder with your own webpage.