Visual LightBox
Web Slideshows
April 11, 2014 Web slideshows doesn't run
Hello, I recently downloaded the free version of your app. I unzipped the exe file and installed the application. The install went fine. However, when I try to run the application, it does not run... nothing happens.
February 03, 2014 Remove caption in html slideshows
December 23, 2013 Install online slideshows on two computers
If I have downloaded the full versions of the visuallightbox, for MAC and for PC both, can I install and register on 2 machines, one being MAC and the other PC...
December 12, 2011 Quick question regarding web slideshows
I am a small business owner/web developer/programmer that manages many websites. I have a quick question regarding the use of your software. Is there a limited number of slideshows I can insert one page at a time?
December 02, 2011 Several html slideshows on the same page
Hi, how are you? I have installed Visuallight 4.8. I need to put several categories of photos on the same page, but that is the sum of the images independently. How I do it?
November 18, 2011 Make online slideshows fire from a hotlink
How can I make lightbox gallery fire without a thumbnail. I would like to fire them from a hotlink?