Visual LightBox
Image Gallery With Thumbnails
October 17, 2013 Each thumbnail show more image gallery with thumbnails photos
First of all, thank you so much for providing this software. I am trying to set up on one web page where there would be: A) multiple thumbnails, and B) each thumbnail would show more photos on that particular item.
October 15, 2013 Problem with image gallery code thumbnails in Wordpress
For some reason, the columns set up in VisualLightBox before publishing the gallery did not transfer into the ...
October 08, 2013 To change the distance between thumbnails in simple jquery image gallery
I want to make the different distance between thumbnails of Visual LightBox on my webpage. Is it possible?
October 03, 2013 Thumbnails opacity in jquery image gallery free download
Hello, thanks for a great product. Is there a way to make it so the thumbnails are not dimmed. When I scroll over them they come to full bright color but otherwise they look dim. I would like all the thumbs to be full color.
October 01, 2013 Auto-renewal option for jquery image gallery with thumbnails
I am trying to make a purchase for a license for VisualLightBox on your website.
September 28, 2013 Different thumbnails and images in mobile image gallery
Great! Thank you for the information - I've upgraded and am presently looking at your other great products.
September 26, 2013 Image gallery html and position of thumbnails
I really hope you can help as I am having trouble implementing Visual Light Box into my webpage.
September 17, 2013 To locate the thumbnails into several columns in jquery image gallery
Dear Support, I want to put the Visual LightBox thumbnails not in one row as it is usually displayed. I would like to divide into 3 or four columns, depending on their amount. How can I make it?