Visual LightBox
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Is it possible to change position of jquery youtube lightbox pop up window?
Q: First of all: thank you for this very handy tool!
1 Problem though: I tried to use VisualLightBox to show some 1024 x 576 images.
Unfortunately they do not feed entirely into my screen. They would though if they could be positioned a bit higher, Say 10px from the top. Is it possible to change this?
Alternatively, could they be forced to center vertically in the screen?
A: You can reposition image popup window in the following way:
Open engine/js/visuallightbox.js file and find the following code:
var imgTop = getPageScroll().y + (getPageSize().winHeight -
(imgHeight + descriptionHeight + options.borderSize * 2)) / 2;
change it for example to:
var imgTop = getPageScroll().y + (getPageSize().winHeight -
(imgHeight + descriptionHeight + options.borderSize * 2)) / 2 - 100;