Is is possible to change the positioning of jquery lightbox demo pop up window?

Q: First, you guys did an AMAZING job creating this photo album. It is by far the best one I have seen online.
I have a question:
Is it possible to change the positioning of the box that opens when you click on a thumbnail? I would like it to open a little higher on the page...
Thank you very much for your prompt attention to this matter.

A: You can reposition image popup window in the following way:
Open engine/js/visuallightbox.js file and find the following code:

var imgTop = getPageScroll().y + (getPageSize().winHeight -
 (imgHeight + descriptionHeight + options.borderSize * 2)) / 2;

change it for example to:

var imgTop = getPageScroll().y + (getPageSize().winHeight -
 (imgHeight + descriptionHeight + options.borderSize * 2)) / 2 - 100;
