Visual LightBox
js lightbox popup Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
lightbox iframe popup Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
javascript image gallery script Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
Swf Lightbox Jquery
December 21, 2012 Non-transparent background of youtube lightbox jquery
I am testing VisualLightBox out for my own website as well as for work.
December 19, 2012 One image on a page that is a link to launch jquery lightbox inline
How your light box, and most others works is, you click on a photo and it pops up the light box. That photo you clicked on is always also a part of the gallery.
December 18, 2012 Remove watermark from lightbox in jquery
Hello, Can you help me? I've bought your Full version of Visuallightbox now I've got the key but I can't erase the watermarks in the slideshow, how can I do it?
December 17, 2012 Add a new image to jquery lightbox conflict
I have just got you great program VLB 5.3 working and all look great, so my question how do I add a new image to my VLB Gallery, thanks again .
December 07, 2012 Insert lightbox jquery ajax .css and .js into the page code
Could you please provide info how to insert .css and .js into the page manually, I can't upload them on my server. Thanks.
December 06, 2012 Add link in jquery lightbox thickbox
Hello! I am planning to purchase the software, but I have a question. Is it possible to make the large image a link?
December 05, 2012 How to add lightbox with jquery into .shtml, .php, and .asp pages
When you choose to put the code directly in a web page it only will pick up .htm and .html pages. It needs to also pick up .shtml, .php, and .asp pages plus maybe more. I use a lot of .
December 04, 2012 Is it possible to use any other content in joomla jquery lightbox pop up window?
Is your lightbox capable of presenting a DIV with content rather than a photo?
November 30, 2012 Danish letters in jquery lightbox for video
Tell me please, how can I get the Danish letters Æ, Ø and Å to appear in the gallery??
November 29, 2012 How to insert lightbox jquery slideshow
Hi, I was wondering how to insert Visuallightbox gallery into my page? I can't upload .js files. Need some help.
November 28, 2012 Position of pop up window in jquery lightbox resize
I have VisualLightBox and it runs fine. I need help to do one thing: I need to change the position where it opens; farther down the page and either left or right.
November 23, 2012 Install several separate lightbox jquery tutorial on the same page
I have attempted to load three different lightbox galleries to my website. The gallery photos and pages load, but I cannot get the "auto play" for the gallery to work nor the "right click" on photo to enlarge.