Visual LightBox
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August 05, 2014 Add link in thumbnail gallery creator
Hi Support, how i do a link to a URL and not the preview if i click on a picture?
July 15, 2014 Several template photo gallery on the same page
I am publishing multiple galleries (to different pages). Each time I publish a gallery, the index.html is over-written and the "images1" folder is also over-written.
July 15, 2014 Simple photo gallery won't start
I downloaded and ran the exe, but couldn't get it to start in win 7 Home Premium. What did I do wrong?
July 14, 2014 Picture photo album images display in a different page
Hi I am very interested in your product. I am testing it on a web site I am trying to complete, but after I loaded everything to the server the galley only displays in a different page.
July 11, 2014 Picture gallery software renewal notice
Why am I getting renewal notices that state I am expiring this month. Think your system is a bit confusing, and not sure if I will fall for the renewal next year. thought I bought a lifetime license for what I had.
July 01, 2014 Empty picture gallery maker project file
Hello, I have saved all my galleries on my computer. Recently I changed computers, I transferred all the Project files/Galleries to the new computer.
June 30, 2014 Reinstall picture gallery creator
It is my understanding that we can have two installation of VisualLightBox that will only work on our web site. Is that correct?
June 30, 2014 Add photo gallery webpage on the page
Hello, Maybe I want to buy this excellent software to my friend (I'm building a website as an exercise class).
June 30, 2014 Getting new templates for photo gallery software.
Can you please confirm that it will allow me to get all the new templates that have come out since I last updated? I didn't realize that the updates were new templates, and never updated after the initial download a year ago.
June 27, 2014 Full version of photo gallery script
If I purchase the registered software will that remove the Visual Lightbox rectangle from my ...
June 25, 2014 Refund photo gallery program
I need to cancel my order. I don't want to use your product.
June 25, 2014 Menu publishing error in photo gallery maker
I am trying to import code into an HTML page. I follow publish instructions , after clicking insert and publish , it gives me a menu publishing error.