Visual LightBox
jquery thumbnail gallery with pagination Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
jquery photo gallery with thumbnails Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
jquery image lightbox Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
October 03, 2013 Lightbox photo gallery doesn't have css and js files
Dear Support, I just downloaded your lightbox zip folder. Unfortunately your folder does not contain any css file or js file for the web? It only has a setup link.
October 03, 2013 "Large images fit to browser window" option in download lightbox
I would like to use Visual Lightbox without the option "Large images fit to browser window".
October 03, 2013 Add jquery lightbox html in Wordpress
Dear support, I really want to install the free download option for WordPress, but I have a permanent failure, can not find the HTML SETUP. must I buy it, because then it is not a free option?
October 03, 2013 Disable arrows keys in lightbox jquery free download
I use your VisualLightBox. Gallery works good, but I have a question.
October 03, 2013 Replace the watermark to other corner of the jquery mobile photo gallery picture
I'm using your beautiful gallery in my website that i'm building. I`ll like to know if there is an option to replace the watermark to other corner of the picture?
October 03, 2013 To remove the navigation buttons from jquery image overlay
Dear Support, I want to play my photo gallery without prev/next buttons. How to make it?
October 03, 2013 Thumbnails opacity in jquery image gallery free download
Hello, thanks for a great product. Is there a way to make it so the thumbnails are not dimmed. When I scroll over them they come to full bright color but otherwise they look dim. I would like all the thumbs to be full color.
October 02, 2013 Trying to place lightbox jquery example gallery in an iFrame
I know that the code on this pages is horrible and if this was a new site I would not build in frames.
October 02, 2013 Lightbox responsive appears again when I scroll the page
I am updating a page in kompozer and when I go to preview in browser I click on image and it blows up as n...
October 02, 2013 Simple jquery gallery doesn't work in IE9
I inserted the visual lightbox into my page.It works with Firefox and Chrome. But it does NOT work with Internet Explorer 9.
October 02, 2013 Add pages in jquery lightbox popup pop up window
I have a question. Can I make a lightbox which is not for an image but a page?
October 02, 2013 Stop the playing of lightbox code after 1 loop
I downloaded and installed free version of VisualLightBox. Good job! It's a nice piece of software. I have a question. May I eliminate the continuous slideshow?