Visual LightBox
lightbox javascript library Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
lightbox image gallery code Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
lightbox jquery plugin free download Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
September 25, 2013 Javascript image gallery Arrows not working in javascript image gallery
I cannot get the javascript image gallery popup window to behave correctly with the ARROWS ...
September 25, 2013 The caption appears below the thumbnail in bootstrap image gallery
I am using your visual lightbox wizard and everything works great except I cannot get a...
September 25, 2013 "Droid" template in javascript lightbox
We're basically all set to purchase the full version of your Visual Lightbox software, but there's one thing that's holding it up...
September 24, 2013 Lightbox js doesn't work on my PC
I can't seem to get Visual Lightbox to work on my PC. I keep getting an error message "Visual LightBox has stopped working" A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.
September 24, 2013 Column problems with bootstrap lightbox
Do you know if there is a way to troubleshoot column issues with visual lighbox? I have selected a three columns format in application , but it appears as two. It's unclear how to fix this.
September 24, 2013 To paste the jquery image upload into blank page
Dear Support, I am trying to use your software. When I am on publish window, I use "Insert to page" option but without success. Nothing happens. What should i do?
September 24, 2013 Watermark in lightbox html
Having downloaded and tried out Visual Lightbox. I am thinking now about to purchase it. Can you tell me if it is possible to remove, or even better change, the Visual Lightbox watermark on galleries I have already made?
September 24, 2013 "Invalid key" message in css image gallery
I have bought VisualLightBox recently, but have problems with registration. I can't get the registration key to work. It keeps telling me it is invalid. What can I do?
September 24, 2013 Simple image gallery go faster
I am from Holland and I really like this product. I have been searching for such as a product over al long time. I have only got one question: Is it possible to make the slide going faster?
September 24, 2013 Several image gallery jquery in Joomla
Yesterday I bought your app., recommended it to my family for who I am building this site. Where can i enable multiple galleries mode, this option is the main reason to buy your app. somehow this section is not in the program.
September 23, 2013 No navigation buttons in lightbox 2
Dear Support, I've been testing the Visual LightBox in Chrome and Firefox.
September 23, 2013 Move the jquery photo gallery image higher on the page
I would like to move the large image slightly higher on the page when it opens.