Visual LightBox
javascript image and text slideshow Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
jquery thumbnail gallery with lightbox Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
html lightbox tutorial Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
October 08, 2013 Web image gallery Joomla module support
How to make more than one web image gallery Joomla module on a page?
October 08, 2013 Problem with html image gallery code template in IE
I'm experiencing a problem with the new html image gallery code templates.
October 08, 2013 To change the distance between thumbnails in simple jquery image gallery
I want to make the different distance between thumbnails of Visual LightBox on my webpage. Is it possible?
October 08, 2013 Open modal window of lightbox design on page load
I've researched to exhaustion and have come down to a couple modal boxes that might suite my needs. Yours is one I'm considering purchasing.
October 08, 2013 Problem with linking images from lightbox div
I am having a problem with linking images from lightbox div , it did not work...
October 08, 2013 Captions per lightbox jquery demo images
I'm interested in buying visuallightbox, however i have questions... When selecting thumbnail styles "with caption" i dont see any caption appear under the thumbnails e.g. "polaroid" or "mac with captions" etc. bug?
October 07, 2013 Add new images in jquery image upload preview gallery
I am wondering how to add more photos to an already published gallery.
October 07, 2013 Position of jquery fullscreen gallery pop up window
I have just purchased Visual Lightbox and Visual Slideshow (and CSS3 Menus actually).
October 07, 2013 Joomla Site and lightbox gallery jquery
I am currently ruining some test on my site and came across your package. I am using VisualLightbox for my galleries and was wondering if I can Post Modules with VisualLightbox to my Joomla site or do I just add the link to ...
October 07, 2013 Move image gallery html5 window
First of all: thank you for this very handy tool! 1 Problem though: I tried to use VisualLightBox to show some 1024 x 576 ...
October 07, 2013 What should I do with .vislb file generated with thumbnail image gallery?
I have successfully created a gallery with VisualLightBox.
October 07, 2013 Install several separate ajax image gallery on the same page
I have attempted to load three different lightbox galleries to my website. The gallery photos and pages load, but I cannot get the "auto play" for the gallery to work nor the "right click" on photo to enlarge.