Visual LightBox
how to use lightbox js Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
image gallery jquery free download Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
html lightbox gallery generator Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
October 05, 2013 Insert to page option in jquery image galleries
What do you think is the best way to insert the gallery into my web page. I am currently using "publish to folder", and was thinking about using "insert to page".
October 05, 2013 Zoomed images in jquery image gallery plugin
No matter the dimensions I put in on the template for jquery image gallery plugin, I can not get the zoomed images to come out bigger. How can I fix this?
October 05, 2013 Add html link to the lightbox bootstrap photos
Can an html link be added to the photos or in the captions? I did not see it at first glance in the documentation.
October 05, 2013 Add a link to an image in mobile lightbox
Is there any way to add a link to an image. So when you click the image it will where to another site?
October 05, 2013 Free jquery image gallery window doesn't appear
I recently purchased your software and I'm having an issue using in the site I intended it for. I embedded your product and can see the thumbnails there.
October 04, 2013 Position of jquery lightbox demo window
First, you guys did an AMAZING job creating this photo album.
October 04, 2013 Add a new image to simple jquery lightbox
I have just got you great program VLB 5.3 working and all look great, so my question how do I add a new image to my VLB Gallery, thanks again .
October 04, 2013 Add link in lightbox html5
Hello! I am planning to purchase the software, but I have a question. Is it possible to make the large image a link?
October 04, 2013 Jquery photo gallery free download pop up window is not displayed correctly in IE
I installed VisualLightBox and it is running fine. I used the program to implement a picture show on my website.
October 04, 2013 Thumbnails differ from the original images in jquery lightbox download
I downloaded your free product to see if it would accomplish what I need it to do before I bou...
October 04, 2013 'Insert to page' wizard in jquery gallery free download
I own a paid copy of VisualLightBox. I do not understand what 'Insert to page' wizard publishing method does. Where can I find an explanation?
October 03, 2013 Add image photo gallery in WordPress
Hello, Can I use this product on my Wordpress site?