Visual LightBox
javascript image slideshow fade Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
jquery gallery image folder Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
jquery gallery image zoom Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
October 07, 2013 Upgrade jquery mobile lightbox from Single Website license to Unlimited Websites license
I purchased the VisualLightBox single license a couple months ago but would like to upgrade to the business license for multiple sites.
October 07, 2013 Delete best jquery lightbox
I have a question. I want to remove the complete Visual LightBox from my Homepage, but ...
October 06, 2013 Lightbox demo image resolutions don't change
This is an amazing product here, but before I jump out and buy it, I need to know why when I change the image resolution before publishing that nothing c...
October 06, 2013 One thumbnail in gallery lightbox
Hi! I would like to ask can't i have a single thumbnail gallery for all my images done with t...
October 06, 2013 Lightbox app and FTP problem
I downloaded free version of your ...
October 06, 2013 Unable to get lightbox mobile to start
I have a current version. I have installed it. visuallightbox-full-win-setup File version, product version 5.
October 06, 2013 Several lightbox text on the same page
Hi, how are you? I have installed Visuallight 4.8. I need to put several categories of photos on the same page, but that is the sum of the images independently. How I do it?
October 06, 2013 "Fit to screen" option in free lightbox
Laying aside the "fit to screen" option: what I would really like is to control the resizing of the image in the popout and make the final image larger (take up more screen space).
October 06, 2013 To show arrows in popup lightbox
Hello! I am using the Visual LightBox. Everything works fine but I have one issue.
October 06, 2013 Jquery simple lightbox and WOWslider on the same page
I was about to buy wowslider but I noticed that as soon as I insert the slider on to my page, the content of visuallightbox stops working properly. Please advice.
October 05, 2013 To change the ajax lightbox gallery
I have a question about the process of updating an existing visuallightbox gallery.
October 05, 2013 Jquery simple gallery should open URL in new window
I've just bought the Visual Light Box earlier today and very impressed. I just have one small query you may have an answer for.