Visual LightBox
javascript make lightbox Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
jquery photo gallery plugin Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
joomla lightbox gallery Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
September 05, 2012 Web photo gallery templates and position of thumbnails
I really hope you can help as I am having trouble implementing Visual Light Box into my webpage.
September 04, 2012 Resize icons in web photo gallery template
I'm interested in your VisualLightBox.
September 03, 2012 Money back guarantee for web photo gallery software
I'm quite interested in your VisualLightBox. I'm wondering if you offer a money back guarantee on purchases? If so how long is the period?
August 31, 2012 "Droid" template in web photo gallery creator
We're basically all set to purchase the full version of your Visual Lightbox software, but there's one thing that's holding it up...
August 30, 2012 Disable arrows keys in web photo gallery
I use your VisualLightBox. Gallery works good, but I have a question.
August 29, 2012 Web photo galleries doesn't work on my PC
I can't seem to get Visual Lightbox to work on my PC. I keep getting an error message "Visual LightBox has stopped working" A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.
September 06, 2012 Problem with web photo display thumbnails in Wordpress
For some reason, the columns set up in VisualLightBox before publishing the gallery did not transfer into the ...
August 27, 2012 Web photo albums and link in the watermark
I use the Full version of visualLightBox. Please tell me, how to insert my own linked webdomain ( as Watermark into the image.
August 24, 2012 Transparent thumbnails in web photo album software
I love your visual light box. It really works well. Can I ask, is it possible to have a transparent background so that it can be embedded into a different web page, or can I add a background image so that I can give it the same...
August 23, 2012 Position of web photo album window
First, you guys did an AMAZING job creating this photo album.
August 22, 2012 Open modal window of web page photo gallery on page load
I've researched to exhaustion and have come down to a couple modal boxes that might suite my needs. Yours is one I'm considering purchasing.
August 21, 2012 Several web gallery software in Joomla
Yesterday I bought your app., recommended it to my family for who I am building this site. Where can i enable multiple galleries mode, this option is the main reason to buy your app. somehow this section is not in the program.