Visual LightBox
jquery lightweight image lightbox Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
lightbox gallery manager Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
lightbox gallery wordpress Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
March 22, 2012 Auto-renewal option for web slideshow software
I am trying to make a purchase for a license for VisualLightBox on your website.
December 16, 2011 Replace the watermark to other corner of the online flash slideshow picture
I'm using your beautiful gallery in my website that i'm building. I`ll like to know if there is an option to replace the watermark to other corner of the picture?
December 16, 2011 Get the HTML code of lightbox website
I want to get the HTML code only but I don't see an option for that anywhere
December 16, 2011 Move the lightbox modal image higher on the page
I would like to move the large image slightly higher on the page when it opens.
December 16, 2011 Remove the file name for lightbox image viewer images
I am using visual lightbox and "CRYSTAL" for the large image...
December 14, 2011 Lightbox gallery2 project shows up without images
I have a number of portfolios on our company website and they were set up with visuallightbox.
December 14, 2011 Put a hyperlink on each image in free slideshow script
I think I may have misunderstood something about your product. I need to put a different hyperlink on each popup images is this product able to do that?
December 14, 2011 Pull-down menus overlay the simple jquery modal
I just downloaded the free version of VLB to test it out and I'm having a minor problem with display. I'm using Windows XP and Firefox 7.01 and I get the same problem in Safari 5.1.2. Here's what happens.
December 12, 2011 Quick question regarding web slideshows
I am a small business owner/web developer/programmer that manages many websites. I have a quick question regarding the use of your software. Is there a limited number of slideshows I can insert one page at a time?
December 12, 2011 Want to have web photo slideshow enlarge onclick
I just want to click on a picture and have it enlarge. No gallery etc.
December 09, 2011 Click one image to start the simple lightbox
I want to add a 3 image slide show to my home page.
December 09, 2011 Make scriptaculous lightbox and video lightbox play nice together
I had a video using video lightbox on a page and it was working fine. I then added some images using visual lightbox.