Visual LightBox
javascript lightbox plugin Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
lightbox gallery dreamweaver Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
javascript lightbox effect Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
Lightbox Com Jquery
October 22, 2012 Jquery html lightbox and Contact Form
I need a way to be able to click on a picture and have that picture open up to be able to fill out a form for customers. Is that possible with this program, if I purchase it?
October 19, 2012 What should I do with .vislb file generated with jquery ajax lightbox?
I have successfully created a gallery with VisualLightBox.
October 15, 2012 The caption appears below the thumbnail in jquery lightbox joomla
I am using your visual lightbox wizard and everything works great except I cannot get a...
October 11, 2012 I get file names instead of jquery lightbox for text
I've come across your wonderful product and plan to buy a business license but of course wanted to try it out first. I'm using 64 bit Win 7 and both I.
October 09, 2012 Where should I upload files of lightbox jquery video?
Just purchased the unlimited license for Visual Lightbox. I cannot get this to work properly from following the directions on your web page.
October 08, 2012 "Large images fit to browser window" option in lightbox iframe jquery
I would like to use Visual Lightbox without the option "Large images fit to browser window". Can you tell me which parameter (maybe from the ccs-files?) i must edit to disable this function.
October 05, 2012 Thumbnails opacity in jquery lightbox html content
Hello, thanks for a great product. Is there a way to make it so the thumbnails are not dimmed. When I scroll over them they come to full bright color but otherwise they look dim. I would like all the thumbs to be full color.
October 04, 2012 Is it possible to incorporate jquery iframe lightbox skins?
I have the commercial versions of both Visual Lightbox and Easyhtml5 programs.
September 27, 2012 Question marks instead of lightbox jquery example
Just purchased the unlimited license for Visual Lightbox (Mac). I cannot get this to work properly from following the directions on your web page.
September 26, 2012 My menu is visible through jquery lightbox effect window
I am an Unlimited Website License user of Version 5.0.1 of Visual LightBox.
September 25, 2012 Lightbox jquery iframe should open URL in new window
I've just bought the Visual Light Box earlier today and very impressed. I just have one small query you may have an answer for.
September 24, 2012 Move jquery youtube lightbox window
First of all: thank you for this very handy tool! 1 Problem though: I tried to use VisualLightBox to show some 1024 x 576 ...