Visual LightBox
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Web photo display thumbnails are in the column, not in the row in Wordpress
Q: For some reason, the columns set up in VisualLightBox before publishing the gallery did not transfer into the Wordpress page. All the images simply appeared one under the other. I had to manually produce the appropriate number of columns for the page by deleting the spaces (the line break) between the and tags for the first four images to produce the five columns so five images appeared side by side in each row. Once again, I had to edit this in the HTML editor in Wordpress (not the visual one) - or edit the code in the text editor before copying and pasting it into Wordpress.
A: It's well-known Wordpress problem. It adds <p> and <br / > tags automatically that destroys HTML structure of VisualLightBox.
You can remove line breaks in HTML code of VisualLightBox body section (between tags). Wordpress will not add additional tags inside one line.
Also, you can try to use these solutions: