Visual LightBox
dynamic html image gallery Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
how to make a lightbox css Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
css lightbox example Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
Lightbox Html
October 22, 2012 Jquery html lightbox and Contact Form
I need a way to be able to click on a picture and have that picture open up to be able to fill out a form for customers. Is that possible with this program, if I purchase it?
October 05, 2012 Thumbnails opacity in jquery lightbox html content
Hello, thanks for a great product. Is there a way to make it so the thumbnails are not dimmed. When I scroll over them they come to full bright color but otherwise they look dim. I would like all the thumbs to be full color.
September 20, 2012 HTML content in jquery lightbox js
I checked VisualLightBox app.
September 19, 2012 Captions in lightbox jquery html
I’ve been searching for a gallery with thumbnail plug in, and yours seems perfect...
December 16, 2011 Get the HTML code of lightbox website
I want to get the HTML code only but I don't see an option for that anywhere
December 02, 2011 Put lightbox alternative HTML code into website
Can you explain to me how to get the HTML code to put into my website? I saved the file, but cannot find the HTML code to put into my website.