Visual LightBox
lightbox image size Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
lightbox joomla 3 Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
javascript lightbox effect Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
Photo Gallery For Web
April 24, 2012 "Fit to screen" option in dynamic photo gallery
Laying aside the "fit to screen" option: what I would really like is to control the resizing of the image in the popout and make the final image larger (take up more screen space).
April 16, 2012 Digital photo gallery and iWeb
I have downloaded a free version of VisualLightBox and created a simple gallery to test the product. It plays great on my computer. I then made a simple page in iWeb.
November 18, 2011 Problem with linking images from jquery photo gallery
I am having a problem with linking images from jquery photo gallery , it did not work...