Visual LightBox
image gallery html5 Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
javascript background image slideshow Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
jquery thumbnail gallery Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
Photo Gallery For Web
October 03, 2013 Add image photo gallery in WordPress
Hello, Can I use this product on my Wordpress site?
October 03, 2013 Lightbox photo gallery doesn't have css and js files
Dear Support, I just downloaded your lightbox zip folder. Unfortunately your folder does not contain any css file or js file for the web? It only has a setup link.
October 03, 2013 Replace the watermark to other corner of the jquery mobile photo gallery picture
I'm using your beautiful gallery in my website that i'm building. I`ll like to know if there is an option to replace the watermark to other corner of the picture?
September 23, 2013 Move the jquery photo gallery image higher on the page
I would like to move the large image slightly higher on the page when it opens.
September 17, 2013 Connection to host in jquery photo gallery failed
I am unable to get my server recognized. No matter what I do, I get the following message in jquery photo gallery: "Connection to Host Failed: Host Not Found.
September 13, 2013 Question about jquery photo gallery thumbs
Could you please tell me how i can make my thumbs transparent? Ineed them to be that and can't find a way..
September 18, 2012 Show only one thumbnail of website photo gallery software
I am playing with the free version and love it so far, but have a question. Say I have 20 photos I want to put in a Photo Gallery.
September 17, 2012 Delete website photo gallery
I have a question. I want to remove the complete Visual LightBox from my Homepage, but ...
September 07, 2012 Web site photo gallery and non-profits
We are non-profit organization. We want to have galleries without your logo. How we can do it?
September 05, 2012 Web photo gallery templates and position of thumbnails
I really hope you can help as I am having trouble implementing Visual Light Box into my webpage.
September 04, 2012 Resize icons in web photo gallery template
I'm interested in your VisualLightBox.
September 03, 2012 Money back guarantee for web photo gallery software
I'm quite interested in your VisualLightBox. I'm wondering if you offer a money back guarantee on purchases? If so how long is the period?