Visual LightBox
jquery ui mobile gallery Monochrome Theme with Round Window thumbnails
wordpress html lightbox Route Theme with Simple HTML Frame thumbnails
jquery thumbnail gallery with pagination Modern Theme with Round Frame thumbnails
Photo Gallery For Web
August 31, 2012 "Droid" template in web photo gallery creator
We're basically all set to purchase the full version of your Visual Lightbox software, but there's one thing that's holding it up...
August 30, 2012 Disable arrows keys in web photo gallery
I use your VisualLightBox. Gallery works good, but I have a question.
August 22, 2012 Open modal window of web page photo gallery on page load
I've researched to exhaustion and have come down to a couple modal boxes that might suite my needs. Yours is one I'm considering purchasing.
August 17, 2012 Spacing between thumbnails in web design photo gallery
First, love your product. I'll be using it on all future commercial light boxes. How can I adjust the spacing between thumbnails?
August 16, 2012 "Auto play slide show" option in web based photo gallery
I've been testing you application Visual Lightbox v.5.01 on Windows 7 Ultimate bootstrap builder.
August 15, 2012 Pre-loading image in thumbnail photo gallery
Is there anyway to insert a image or something into the code which will put a pre-loading image or...
August 09, 2012 "Advanced..." button in template photo gallery
I am considering your product for a small business project. I downloaded FREE version firstly and found "Advanced" button at Gallery->Properties->Templates.
August 07, 2012 Couldn't add images in simple photo gallery
I`m using drag and drop website builder. I have been loading image into the window without any problem until I came t...
July 16, 2012 Add button to photo gallery webpage
I really like your VisualLightBox. I plan to sell my photos, so I need "Add to Cart" button in pop up window.
July 13, 2012 Photo gallery software pop up window is not displayed correctly in IE
I installed VisualLightBox and it is running fine. I used the program to implement a picture show on my website.
July 12, 2012 Photo gallery script and database
Is there anyway my web database can "call" a selection of photos ( by tags I assume) and then immediately route them so they load publish and play I hope the ans...
July 11, 2012 Column problems with photo gallery program
Do you know if there is a way to troubleshoot column issues with visual lighbox? I have selected a three columns format in application , but it appears as two. It's unclear how to fix this.